Many SCEAA members would be aware of Roger Holdsworth, who for a long time published a student agency magazine called Connect. Although Connect wound up last year, some young people have taken on the role of promoting student voice, through a new magazine called ReConnectEd! Here's a message from Roger: ReConnectedEd is edited and published by a small editorial group consisting of current and recent school students, school teachers, University academics and researchers, policy workers and representatives of support organisations. It is hosted by the Australian Council for Student Voice, and will be available through their website - where the first issue is already available. ReConnectEd has three aims:
The first issue will be published shortly both on-line and as a PDF, with fascinating stories of practices in primary and secondary schools. In order to be alerted to new issues and receive copies (for FREE) you will need to subscribe to it by e-mailing to: [email protected] and ask to be added to the mailing list. We've also attached the first issue to this message. ![]()